Treat mental disorders guided by Al-Quran

Treat mental disorders guided by Al-Quran

By Nurdiyanah R. –

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, SEPT 18 – A healthy heart reflects good behavior, on the other hand if a sick heart reflects bad behavior as according to Imam Al-Ghazali, bad behavior or morals is a disease of the heart and a mental disorder.

These matters were emphasized by the Government Mufti, Yang Berhormat Pehin Datu Seri Maharaja Dato Paduka Seri Setia (Dr) Ustaz Haji Awang Abdul Aziz bin Juned when delivering the 2024 Knowledge Council Special Lecture entitled Dealing with Mental Symptoms which took place in the Plenary Hall, International Conference Center ( ICC), Berakas, this morning.

Yang Berhormat Pehin stated that the mental symptom is a sick heart and needs to be treated.

“But with what is this heart treated? With what medicine? If normal treatment, nothing else, we will refer to psychiatric and psychological treatment. But these two methods of treatment never or have never involved God as the Supreme Expert and Supreme Healer. Of course, therapists and drug creators have never come across or realized this, because in creating therapy and drugs they did not check or be guided by the Al-Quran,” he stressed.

Earlier, Yang Berhormat Pehin emphasized that although psychiatric and psychological treatments have been used for a long time to treat mental illness, it is still necessary for us to find a complement as a complement to the psychiatric and psychological treatments based on the continuing increase in mental symptoms.

Treat mental disorders guided by Al-Quran
The Honorable Mufti of the Government while delivering the 2024 Knowledge Council Special Lecture at the Plenary Hall, ICC, Berakas, yesterday. – PHOTO BY RAFI ROSLI

He added, we do not reject any available treatment in the form of various therapies and medicines that have been created, but we also need to know that mental illness is based in the heart, which is the main determinant of mental health.

Accordingly, to deal with mental symptoms or heart disease, Yang Berhormat Pehin emphasized that the Al-Quran is very important to refer to because isn’t mental illness rooted in the heart, i.e. a restless and restless heart, which is a mental symptom.

“So what does this matter have to do with the Quran? The answer is that the relationship is very close.

Because it is the Al-Quran that tells that if the heart is turbulent, not calm or suffering from mental problems, then treat it with dhikr, where the head of dhikr is the Al-Quran. A troubled heart is healed when it is treated with zikrullah and then it calms down, then that is healing,” he said again.

For the sake of confidence in the Al-Quran, Yang Berhormat Pehin among other things suggested that we treat ourselves with the Al-Quran and take the good side of the blessed Council of Knowledge and also advised that mental symptoms should also be treated by treating them with the holy verses of the Al-Quran.

Treating with the holy verses of the Quran, he stressed, is a type of treatment that is undoubtedly and very important to be introduced in health centers or hospitals and clinics as an integrated treatment with existing treatments.

“With the treatment using the holy verses of the Quran, it means that we add value from just one treatment to two types of treatment, namely Earth Treatment (psychiatry and psychology) and Sky Treatment (divine treatment from the holy verses of the Quran),” he insisted.

If this is implemented, he said, then God willing we will be the only country in the world that will have integrated psychiatric and psychological treatment mixed with divine treatment from the Al-Quran.

Towards its implementation, we can enlist the efforts of the ministry and the religious parties by discussing together how to implement treatment using the holy verses of the Quran to cure various categories of mental illness.

“I feel like, if we are serious, with God’s permission, the results will definitely come true,” affirmed Yang Berhormat Pehin at the end of the special talk.

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