Trump and Harris commemorate the September 11 attacks in New York


One day after their bitter TV debate US presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump commemorated the attacks of September 11, 2001 at the same event in New York. Together with US President Joe Biden and They remembered former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Wednesday at Ground Zero in Manhattan to commemorate the 2,977 victims of the attack carried out by the Islamist terrorist network Al-Qaeda.

As every year on September 11, the World Trade Center was destroyed and the Names of the victims read out“We stand in solidarity with their families and loved ones,” Vice President Harris said in a statement. “We also honor the extraordinary heroism that ordinary Americans demonstrated in helping their fellow citizens on that fateful day.”

Both attacks carried out with four hijacked aircraft were 23 years ago 2753 people killed in New York, 184 at the US Department of Defense in Washington and 40 in Pennsylvania The attacks shook the USA to its core and sent the world power into a decades-long “war on terror.”

Trump and Harris greeted each other with a handshake at the ceremony, just as they did on Tuesday at their first face-to-face meeting during their TV debate in Philadelphia. The debate, which was broadcast by ABC, was fought hard by the opponents. Trump complained afterwards that the whole thing had been “a set-up.” The ABC moderators were biased and corrected “everything” in his case, but nothing in Harris’ case.

Trump challenges another TV duel

The Harris team immediately challenged the Republican candidate to a second TV debate. On Tuesday, US citizens were able to see which choice they will face in November – and should have another opportunity to do so in October, the Democrat’s campaign team explained. “Vice President Harris is ready for a second debate. Is it Donald Trump?”

The two candidates are in a close head-to-head race in the pollsOn Thursday, Harris will continue her campaign in North Carolina, Trump in Arizona. Both US states are among the so-called swing states in which the race is completely open and which are likely to be decisive for the outcome of the presidential election on November 5th. (AFP)

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