Trump threatens to prosecute “election fraudsters”


Former US President Donald Trump is threatening alleged election fraudsters with consequences if he returns to the White House. “If I win, the people who cheated will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, including long prison sentences, so that this corruption of justice is not repeated,” Trump wrote on the online platforms Truth Social and X, alluding to the 2020 election, in which he lost to current President Joe Biden. He has never acknowledged his defeat – and critics fear that the same thing could happen again after the election in November.

The Democrats had cheated “rampantly” in the election four years ago, Trump claimed again in the post – although various courts have examined such allegations and rejected them as unsubstantiated. The events at the time were a disgrace for the country, Trump said. The 2024 election will therefore be under “the strictest professional scrutiny”. “Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be tracked down, caught and prosecuted on a scale that has unfortunately never been seen before in our country.”

Trump is seeking a second term in the White House in November and is running against current Vice President Kamala Harris of the Democrats.

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