Trump wants to have a plan for a “guaranteed” end to the Ukraine war


The Republican US presidential candidate Donald Trump says it has a plan ready to “guarantee” an end to the war in UkraineBut he can only announce this if he wins the presidential election on November 5said the 78-year-old right-wing populist in an interview with podcaster Lex Fridman published on Tuesday.

“If I win, I will come to a deal as president-elect, guaranteed,” Trump said. “This war should never have happened.” He has a “very ambitious plan” on how Ukraine and Russia could be stopped in their war, “and I have an idea – maybe not a plan, but an idea – for China“.

But he cannot reveal these plans now, “because if I give you these plans, I will not be able to implement them, they will be unsuccessfulTrump has repeatedly boasted that he could end the war in Ukraine “within 24 hours” – without ever explaining how he intends to do this.

During the election campaign, the real estate entrepreneur repeatedly criticizes the billions in aid the USA is providing to Ukraine and calls on the Europeans to “make a move”, i.e. to provide more money to support the country. (AFP)

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