Twelve-year-old injures classmate in Portugal with knife

Twelve-year-old injures classmate in Portugal with knife

Twelve-year-old injures classmate in Portugal with knife

A twelve-year-old attacked and injured several classmates with a knife at a school in Portugal. One twelve-year-old was taken to hospital with serious injuries but her life was not in danger, the newspaper “Público” and other media reported, citing the authorities. The attack took place in Azambuja, around 50 kilometers northeast of Lisbon. The background to the attack initially remained unclear.

The attacker returned to school after lunch and suddenly attacked several children at random with a knife, “Público” quoted Azambuja’s mayor Silvino Lúcio as saying. He was wearing a bulletproof vest. A school employee intervened and was able to stop the attack. The boy was held by school staff until the police arrived.

According to the mayor, the victims are five girls and one boy who suffered cuts, mainly on their arms and legs. The victims and the perpetrator are being cared for by psychologists, it was said. The young attacker has been temporarily taken into police custody and is being questioned.

Portuguese Prime Minister Luís Montenegro condemned the act “in the strongest possible terms”. On the news platform X, he spoke of an “isolated incident” and “a phenomenon that is alien to Portuguese society, but which should make all those who act in public reflect responsibly”.

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