Two injured in Potsdam tram


Two passengers of a Potsdam Tram were injured, some seriously, in Waldstadt II late Thursday afternoon after the driver had to make an emergency stop. According to the police, a 55-year-old man, a 33-year-old woman and a child in a wheelchair fell in the tram. The man was taken to hospital with serious injuries, the woman was slightly injured. According to current information, the child survived the incident unharmed.

The accident was caused by a car driver. The unknown person had turned from Zum Jagenstein Street into Heinrich-Mann-Allee in front of the tram. In order to avoid a collision, the tram driver, who had right of way, had to brake sharply. The tram was heading towards Rehbrücke.

The police filed a report for endangering road traffic. Investigations have begun into the as yet unidentified person who caused the accident.

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