Two male bodies found in Münsterland


Two bodies were found in a cornfield in Gronau, northwest of Münster. The police set up a murder squad. According to a joint statement from the police and public prosecutor’s office, walkers called the police on Sunday after their dog dug up a boot from the ground. The investigators then found the remains of two male bodies in an adjacent piece of ground.

“The investigation is still in its early stages,” said the head of the homicide squad, Julika Böhlendorf. The identities have not yet been established. “We used man-tracking dogs and a drone. The soil was also dug out to find any further traces,” said Böhlendorf. The autopsy could not determine the cause of death. The results of the toxicological examination are still pending, according to the statement.

According to senior public prosecutor Martin Botzenhardt, it is still unclear how long the bodies were lying at the site or when the men were killed. The police are now looking for witnesses who made observations in the area.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240909-930-227677/1

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