Union complains about the traffic light coalition’s “regulatory zeal”


The Union has accused the traffic light coalition of damaging the economy and society in Germany with too much unnecessary bureaucracy. The coalition partners of the SPD, FDP and Greens constantly talk about reducing bureaucracy, but at the same time bureaucracy is being built up, criticized the legal policy spokesman for the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Günter Krings. “The misery of their legal policy is that they invent problems where there are none,” he told Federal Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) at the first reading of the draft budget for his ministry in 2025. The people of Germany are now despairing of the “regulatory zeal of this traffic light coalition.”

Krings said that the coalition’s plans also partially endangered internal security. With regard to the idea of ​​establishing clear rules for the use of informants from the criminal or terrorist milieu, so-called undercover agents, the CDU politician called on Buschmann: “Finally scrap this draft law.”

Buschmann said that the coalition had “made a start” in reducing bureaucracy. He referred, among other things, to the bureaucracy reduction law presented by the traffic light coalition and plans for a new type of building. The so-called building type E law is intended to make it easier to forego compliance with certain comfort standards in new buildings that are irrelevant to the safety of the building – such as fire protection or statics. The FDP minister said: “We have to manage to reverse the trend in the bureaucratization of our country.” His party colleague Thorsten Lieb said he was pleased that the federal and state governments had made a joint effort to digitize the justice system in recent months.

Steffen calls for protection of the rule of law from extremists

Green Party legal politician Till Steffen said that the state elections in Thuringia at the beginning of September, in which the AfD became the strongest party with 32.8 percent, had been a turning point. The federal and state governments must now reconsider where the rule of law is vulnerable and “what must be done to protect the rule of law from extremists and enemies of the constitution.” The AfD is concerned with “silencing political opponents.”

Stephan Brandner of the AfD then called Steffen a “green agitator”. Bundestag President Bärbel Bas reprimanded him for this choice of words.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240913-930-231354/1

This is a message directly from the dpa news channel.

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