Unknown people rob young men in Prenzlauer Berg


An armed group is said to have attacked two young men at Kollwitzplatz in Prenzlauer Berg and injured one of them. As the Berlin police announced on Saturday, four unknown men approached another group that was at the square, according to witnesses.

One of the suspects is said to have threatened the group with a telescopic baton. Another suspect is said to have held a gun to the head of a 20-year-old. The unknown suspects are said to have demanded money. According to the police, the 20-year-old heard a bang and lost consciousness. A 21-year-old then handed over his wallet, from which the suspects stole money. They fled in the direction of Knaackstrasse.

Rescue workers took the 20-year-old to the hospital. He had suffered a laceration on his forehead, which, according to the doctor, was caused by a blow with a pistol. Police searched the area for the suspects, but were unsuccessful. (Tsp)

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