VW and IG Metall to negotiate savings plans from 25 September


In the dispute over possible job cuts at Volkswagen, IG Metall and the company want to meet for negotiations in just under two weeks. The collective bargaining negotiations will start on September 25 in Hanover, the company and the union announced. In addition to the regular wage negotiations, the job security recently terminated by VW will also be negotiated. The collective bargaining round, which was originally only planned for October, will therefore be brought forward.

At the beginning of September, VW announced that it would tighten its savings plans due to the tense situation and is no longer ruling out layoffs and plant closures. The job security that has been in place since 1994 has been terminated. If there is no agreement with the union on a new arrangement for future security by mid-2025, VW is threatening layoffs. IG Metall and the works council have announced opposition to the plans.

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