Water quality: Paralympics: Triathlon competitions postponed


After the rain in Paris over the past few days, the organizers have postponed the Paralympics triathlon. The water quality in the Seine is too poor to swim in, they said. The races have initially been postponed by one day.

However, it is unclear whether the triathlon competitions can actually take place on Monday, as the water quality is still being checked. The adverse weather conditions with the heavy rain had led to a concentration of bacteria in the Seine. The competitions were originally scheduled for Monday, but were brought forward a day due to the weather forecast.

The latest tests have shown a deterioration in the water quality in the Seine, it was said. Therefore, the water quality at Pont Alexandre III – where the triathletes were supposed to compete – is not suitable for swimming. The set limits have been exceeded. Triathlon races were already postponed at the Olympics due to the poor water quality.

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