Weather: Temperature drop in Berlin and Brandenburg


After the hot days in Berlin and Brandenburg, the start of the week will be more autumnal, with temperatures dropping significantly. There will be a lot of rain on Monday morning. There is a risk of severe heavy rain in some places, as the German Weather Service (DWD) predicted.

The cloud cover will become thicker during the night into Monday. There may be showers and thunderstorms. On Monday morning the rain will become heavier. According to the DWD, up to 15 liters per square meter are expected in most areas. However, up to 45 liters per square meter could occur locally. The rain should ease somewhat in the afternoon and there will also be gusts of wind. Temperatures will drop significantly to between 18 and 22 degrees.

The weather will remain changeable and cooler throughout the rest of the week. However, heavy rain and thunderstorms will become less frequent, according to the DWD. Maximum temperatures of up to 20 degrees are forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday.

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