When Habeck was a backpacker in Greece


Today, Robert Habeck is Vice Chancellor and Minister of Economic Affairs, and issues such as trade and energy policy are at stake – but at the start of a business trip to Thessaloniki, Greece, the 55-year-old looks back almost wistfully. Habeck opens his speech at an event organized by the German-Greek Chamber of Industry and Commerce in the evening with a personal remark: The trip is special for him – not just from a political perspective, but for personal reasons.

And then Habeck says that he often visited this beautiful country privately, as a backpacker with his family, and they slept on beaches, train stations and cheap hotels. He didn’t have much money, the wine was cheap – but always wonderful. The minister also recalls his philosophy studies – “and that means Greece, of course.”

Greece fan Habeck is in Thessaloniki until Sunday. On Saturday he will open the “Thessaloniki International Fair” together with the Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis – Germany is this year’s partner country. The main focus of an energy dialogue with countries in the Middle East and North Africa on Sunday will be the construction of hydrogen pipelines to Europe.

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