With love and art against violence


The actor Burghart Klaußner (74, “The Uncertainty Principle of Love”) believes that the major wars abroad have a negative impact on the inner lives of Germans. “One of our main problems at the moment is that we have become so restless, not least because of the state of war in the world, that we have little patience with one another – and also little decency,” Klaußner analyzes the general situation in an interview with the German Press Agency dpa in Hamburg.

Klaußner explains: “You know that the world is not right – that makes you nervous and of course unhappy. You try to push it away every day – but that doesn’t really work.”

This time is particularly difficult for sensitive people. Love helps the individual – as well as active or passive engagement with creativity, said the 74-year-old. “As an artist, you can react to this with art, each in your own way. Because art can always have an impact – in the long run, it is stronger than violence. And so is love.”

In addition, it is also important for Klaußner to take a political position and to think carefully about which party to vote for.

Next Friday (September 13), the Berlin-born film, television and theater star, who is also successful as a singer and author, will celebrate his 75th birthday with family and friends.

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