Woidke appears confident ahead of planned talks

Woidke appears confident ahead of planned talks

Woidke appears confident ahead of planned talks

After the state election, Brandenburg’s Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke is optimistic about the planned exploratory talks with the CDU and the Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) alliance. He is “very confident,” the SPD politician told the German Press Agency.

First, the SPD parliamentary group leader will be elected, then the new parliamentary group will be able to work. “The next steps will then be the first talks with potential coalition partners.”

SPD plans talks soon

The SPD state executive committee had decided to start exploratory talks with the CDU and BSW. On the SPD side, a group led by Woidke is to lead the talks. According to the SPD, they are planned – if the timing allows – for the end of this week.

BSW top candidate Robert Crumbach had not yet made a decision and referred to intra-party talks on Wednesday. CDU regional leader Jan Redmann also sees the opposition as an option. However, the CDU does not want to refuse talks.

The SPD won the state election on Sunday with 30.9 percent, just ahead of the AfD with 29.2 percent. The BSW came in at 13.5 percent. The CDU slipped to 12.1 percent.

SPD relies on BSW to form coalition

The SPD, which has been the head of government since 1990, most recently governed with the CDU and the Greens. This coalition is no longer possible. The SPD can form a coalition with the BSW – even with the participation of the CDU – but with the CDU alone it is not enough for an alliance.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240924-930-241684/1

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