Woidke sees election as “biggest challenge” to date

Woidke sees election as “biggest challenge” to date

Woidke sees election as “biggest challenge” to date

Brandenburg’s Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) described the state election on Sunday as the “biggest political challenge of my entire life”. “This election is also a vote on my work after eleven years in office,” Woidke told the broadcaster ntv. “I don’t want to use the excuse that the election only went against me because of the mood at the federal level, so that I could stay in office. More than half of the voters surveyed want me to stay in office. Then they should also vote for the SPD.”

Woidke sees economy in danger with AfD success

A new state parliament will be elected in Brandenburg on Sunday. Woidke had announced that he would not remain in government if the AfD were to become the strongest force. If he keeps his direct mandate, he wants to remain a member of the state parliament. He warns against the AfD, which the Brandenburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution classifies as a suspected right-wing extremist case: “A party that is partly right-wing extremist as the strongest force in the state would call into question everything that we have achieved in recent years, be it the billions in investments or the skilled workers who have immigrated.”

In the latest survey by Insa for the “Märkische Allgemeine”, “Märkische Oderzeitung” and “Lausitzer Rundschau”, the AfD is in the lead with 28 percent, ahead of the SPD with 25 percent, the CDU with 16 and the BSW with 14 percent. The Greens and BVB/Free Voters come in at 4 percent, the Left at 3 percent.

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