Writer Helga Schubert receives Federal Cross of Merit


The writer Helga Schubert (“Vom Aufstehen”) will be awarded the Federal Cross of Merit. This was announced by the publisher dtv, which publishes the books of the author, who was born in Berlin in 1940. In her work, Schubert artfully processes experiences and observations from her everyday life. In it, she repeatedly takes up fundamental socio-political topics, the publisher quoted from the justification for the award, which will be presented on October 1st in Bellevue Palace by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. In addition to Schubert, other personalities will be honored under the motto “Living values ​​of democracy”. The NDR had previously reported.

Schubert, who according to NDR lives a secluded life near Schwerin, was a psychotherapist and writer in the GDR. Because she was also politically active, she was monitored by the Stasi for many years. In 1989, she was one of the first demonstrators in Berlin. She was also involved in the Central Round Table in East Berlin, which helped pave the way for free elections.

After publishing numerous books, the author withdrew from the literary public until she won the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize in 2020 at the age of 80 for her text “Vom Aufstehen”. The text is part of an autobiographical collection of stories with the same title. Schubert had already received an invitation to the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize in 1980. At that time, however, the GDR author was not granted an exit permit.

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