Writer Juli Zeh calls for a different approach to the AfD

Writer Juli Zeh calls for a different approach to the AfD

Writer Juli Zeh calls for a different approach to the AfD

After the state elections, the writer and Brandenburg constitutional judge Juli Zeh pleads for a different approach to the AfD.

Politicians must consider whether it makes sense to keep the AfD out of every single committee at all costsZeh, who is a member of the SPD, told the “Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung” (Tuesday): “We must not forget that this party, whether we like it or not, represents a third of the voters. So we must also think about what message this sends to people when we keep trying to make it impossible for the AfD to participate in any form of democratic system.”

As an explanation for the Unpopularity of the Greens in rural East Germanywho narrowly missed re-election to the Brandenburg state parliament on Sunday, will get the same answer on every street corner, according to Zeh: “We have no desire to be told how we should live by a party when they don’t even know what our lives are like and what is important to us.”

People, especially in rural Brandenburg, usually have a comparatively excellent CO2 footprint“because they don’t constantly fly around or consume tons of useless stuff,” but instead generate some of their food and fuel themselves, said the writer.

Nevertheless, the Greens would always labelled as environmental sinners or climate change denierseven if they, as farmers, are directly involved in the transformation: “It is understandable that this creates a bad mood.” (epd)

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