Youth welfare office intervenes: child welfare increasingly at risk


The number of child endangerment cases in Germany has reached a new high. In 2023, youth welfare offices identified at least 63,700 children or young people as being at risk, according to the Federal Statistical Office. That was around 1,400 cases, or two percent, more than in 2022. Child endangerment can include neglect, psychological, physical or sexual violence, for example.

In reality, however, the numbers are likely to be significantly higher, as the statisticians explain: “Since some youth welfare offices were unable to report data for 2023, it is certain that the actual increase was significantly higher,” the statisticians reported.

Total number may even be 67,300 cases

If only the results from the previous year are added to the missing reports in 2023, the increase in child welfare risks compared to the previous year is 4,700 cases or 7.6 percent. If the general increase is also taken into account, the increase even increases to around 5,000 cases or 8 percent. According to this estimate, the total number in 2023 would be 67,300 cases.

In addition to errors in data collection and the cyber attack on an IT service provider, the overload of staff at the youth welfare office was also cited as a reason for the missing reports in 2023.

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