Lausitz Medical University opens new emergency room


A new emergency room will be opened today (1:30 p.m.) on the campus of the Medical University of Lausitz – Carl Thiem in Cottbus. It is the most modern emergency room in Germany, according to the Brandenburg Science and Health Ministries. According to the Medical University, the first structural foundations for ensuring optimal patient care in Lausitz and beyond have now been created.

The university was founded on July 1st and is part of the promotion of structural change in Lusatia in view of the planned end of brown coal mining. The health care part emerged from the Carl Thiem Clinic in Cottbus, the largest clinic in Brandenburg. According to Brandenburg’s Ministry of Health, the university clinic will form the core of a research, teaching and care network in the “Lusatia Health Model Region” in the future. The first professorships are to be filled in 2025 and the first students will start in 2026.

Before the emergency room opens, a network meeting of the model region will take place in Cottbus in the morning. Among those taking part are the Prime Ministers of Brandenburg and Saxony, Dietmar Woidke (SPD) and Michael Kretschmer (CDU). According to Brandenburg’s State Chancellery, the idea of ​​building the new medical university arose at a meeting between the two Prime Ministers in 2019. Woidke will present a grant notice on Friday for structural strengthening funds amounting to around 85 million euros to expand the university into the model region’s leading digital hospital. According to the state government, almost four billion euros will be invested in the university by the federal and state governments by 2038.

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