State election: Brandenburg AfD: Ready to talk to all parties

State election: Brandenburg AfD: Ready to talk to all parties

State election: Brandenburg AfD: Ready to talk to all parties

After the election on Sunday, the top candidate of the AfD in Brandenburg, Hans-Christoph Berndt, said he was open to talks with the other parties. “We are ready to talk, we are ready to negotiate,” Berndt said at a press conference for his party. It always depends on the content. “We know no barriers and no firewalls.” He added: “In the interest of the matter, we are ready to vote with everyone with whom we have previously discussed things.”

When asked about a so-called blocking minority in certain decisions of the state parliament by more than a third of the members, Berndt said: “Nothing is planned at the moment. That can only be answered specifically on a case-by-case basis. In our day-to-day work, we are very flexible.”

In the state election, the SPD received 30.9 percent. The AfD, which the Brandenburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution classified as a suspected right-wing extremist party, received 29.2 percent. Sahra Wagenknecht’s coalition, which was running for the first time, came in third with 13.5 percent, while the CDU only achieved 12.1 percent. The Greens, the Left Party and the FDP failed to clear the five percent hurdle.

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