Legally examine fake accounts in the election campaign

Legally examine fake accounts in the election campaign

Legally examine fake accounts in the election campaign

The SPD has criticized fake accounts and bots on the Internet during the election campaign in Brandenburg and believes that a legal review is appropriate. After positive comments from citizens and parties on social media, bots immediately appeared “that tore them down with negative comments in order to intimidate people,” said SPD General Secretary David Kolesnyk in Potsdam the day after the state election.

“We know that there is an evaluation that shows that 2,500 of these fake accounts were active in Brandenburg alone. This will certainly have to be checked from a legal point of view to see whether this was an illegal support campaign for the AfD under party law.”

In social networks, the mood is created by bots – in simple terms, artificial user profiles that look like the profiles of real people.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240923-930-241168/1

This is a message directly from the dpa news channel.

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