Brook Park man arrested after brandishing revolver toward police in his home


BROOK PARK, Ohio – An intoxicated Brook Park man, 68, was arrested Sept. 4 after he brandished a firearm toward police inside his home on Holland Road near Delores Boulevard.

Police were called to the home at about 2:30 a.m. regarding a loud music complaint. When they arrived, they heard music blasting from the front porch. The home’s front storm door was closed but the interior door was open.

Lights were on inside the house. Police could see a long knife with a black handle on a desk in the living room.

Police knocked on the door. The man answered and stepped outside. He smelled like alcohol. Police asked the man to turn down the music.

The man reduced the volume slightly but it was still too loud. He told police he was intentionally trying to disturb his neighbors, with whom he was experiencing an ongoing feud. The man added that he would not turn the music off.

Police informed the man of the city’s noise ordinance. One officer walked to his cruiser to check the noise disturbance law on his computer.

Meanwhile, the man yelled at another officer, telling him to get off his property. Police tried unsuccessfully to reason with the man about the loud music, then told him they would write him a ticket.

The man refused to identify himself. He quickly retreated into his house. Police advised him to step back outside.

The man looked toward the living room desk. He grabbed a silver revolver from the desk. One officer drew his service pistol, pointed it at the man and ordered him to drop the weapon.

The man brandished the revolver in the direction of officers before dropping the weapon onto a chair. Police grabbed his shirt and tried to pull him outside. The man resisted. Police wrestled him down to the porch floor and removed a pocketknife from his pocket.

The man was later charged with aggravated menacing and resisting arrest.

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