Friday, May 3, 2024

Melby compared the EU debate to Voldemort in a speech to the national board


Liberal leader Guri Melby gave his speech to the party’s national meeting on Saturday afternoon. Archive photo: Jil Yngland / NTB

Of NTB | 20.04.2024 12:40:23

Policy: – The EU has unfortunately become the elephant in the room in Norwegian politics. Neither the Labor Party nor the Conservative Party will take the EU debate with tongs and leave it to the skeptics in the Center Party, Rødt and FRP, Melby told the national board on Saturday afternoon.

The party leader opened by pointing out that the security situation in Europe is different today than it was during the EU referendums in 1972 and -94.

Melby believes that the new situation is bound to lead to a new EU debate without fixed positions.

– We have to take responsibility for our own security, and I believe we are safer in the EU than outside.

She then moved away from referring to the EU as the “elephant in the room”, because the Liberal leader believes that Voldemort, the evil wizard in the Harry Potter universe that no one dares to talk about, is a better comparison.

– For the Conservative Party and the Labor Party, the EU has become Voldemort. Støre says that just the debate about the EU in itself is too polarizing. Erna says that she is afraid of losing the EU battle. One fears debate, and the other fears losing the debate, Melby said, adding:

– When Erna and Støre do not take the lead in this matter, we must do so.

(© NTB)


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