Rain, storm and snow in Germany


Autumn is coming to Germany: the weather is becoming much more changeable. A low-pressure area over the Balkans is bringing extensive rainfall and cool temperatures to the east and southeast of the republic, as the German Weather Service (DWD) in Offenbach announced.

From Friday morning, the persistent rain will also spread to eastern Saxony and the Ore Mountains. 30 to 50 liters per square meter are expected, and in areas with heavy snowfall up to 70 liters per square meter. At the same time, heavy snowfall will begin in the Alps from Friday. The snow line will drop to around 1000 meters on Saturday morning, especially in the east. In the higher elevations, 20 to 40 cm of new snow could fall by Sunday morning.

Strong winds to hurricane-force gusts

On Friday evening and into Saturday night, residents of the eastern low mountain ranges must prepare for gusts of up to 85 kilometers per hour. There could be temporary hurricane-like gusts on the Fichtelberg. Strong gusts are also to be expected on the coast, according to the DWD.

Mixed weekend: sun, snow, storm and rain

On Saturday, the southeast will be mostly cloudy, and it may rain from the Ore Mountains to the Alps, while the rain will ease from the north. In the rest of the country it will be partly cloudy, but it will remain mostly dry. There will be plenty of sunshine on the Baltic Sea and up to the Börde. The daily maximum temperatures will be between 7 degrees Celsius on the edge of the Alps and 17 degrees Celsius in the north. In the western half there will be a moderate northwest wind, in the eastern half a fresh and occasionally strong one, and in the mountains there will be gusts of wind.

It will be cloudy on Sunday. From the Baltic Sea to the Prignitz, the sun will shine for longer periods. During the day, new rain will move in from the Oder and Neisse as well as in Lower Bavaria. Temperatures will reach between 19 degrees Celsius on the Ems and 12 degrees Celsius on the Königssee in the afternoon. A light to moderate northwest wind will blow. It will be stormy in the eastern low mountain ranges.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240913-930-231140/1

This is a message directly from the dpa news channel.

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