Wednesday, May 1, 2024

SV, Rødt, MDG and KrF support the new number of hours in the government’s agricultural plan


Geir-Asbjørn Jørgensen (R), Olaug Bollestad (KrF), Torgeir Knag Fylkesnes (SV) and Rasmus Hansson (MDG) outside the Storting. Farmers from all over the country have set up tents outside the Storting to demonstrate before the controversial income calculation for agriculture is to be voted on in the Storting hall on Thursday. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB

Of NTB | 18.04.2024 10:03:05

– We note that the governing parties have submitted a proposal to lower the number of hours in the annual work for agriculture to 1750. It is a slight improvement, and far from good enough. We can consider voting to lower the number of hours in isolation, but we do not give our blessing to the whole, the parties state in a joint statement.

Thus, it is a bit uncertain what happens.

Originally, the governing parties wanted to base 1,845 hours in a year’s work for farmers in their new income calculation and escalation plan for agriculture.

They had the support of the Conservatives and Liberals for this, while SV, Rødt, MDG and KrF were behind a proposal in which the number of hours in a full-time worker is lowered to 1,700.

– We will urge the government parties once again to vote for our compromise proposal. It will meet both the government and agriculture well, in addition to obtaining a broad majority that can stand over time, say SV, Rødt, MDG and KrF.

The number of hours and the calculation of income for farmers has caused a lot of debate, and several farmers have reacted to the assumption that they have to work more than others.

(© NTB)


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