Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The new rule will provide better information on charging prices


In a survey by the Electric Vehicle Association, 74 per cent of those questioned state that they struggle to find out what the actual charging costs before they start. Illustration photo: Ørn E. Borgen / NTB

Of NTB | 05/01/2024 05:24:26

Economy and business: Today, there is no central overview that shows charging prices in real time. It is also highly variable whether the individual charging station states the charging price.

There may now be a change in that, writes Bergens Tidende.

The Norwegian Competition Authority is positive and hopes this can lead to increased competition and lower prices for consumers.

– We want consumers to have better access to information. If they use this information before charging, it can have a positive effect, says senior adviser Stig Torje Bjugn.

In a survey by the Electric Vehicle Association, 74 per cent of those questioned state that they struggle to find out what the actual charging costs before they start. The association believes that this shows that there is a need for new rules.

– We have worked for a long time for this. The system must become simpler and more consumer-friendly, says Unni Berge, head of communications and public relations at the Electric Vehicle Association.

The new rule is planned to be introduced from 1 January 2025.

(© NTB)


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