Sunday, May 5, 2024

Paula Bernini lived a tense moment while covering the march for public education for TN: “Calm down, with respect”


The journalist Paula Bernini He had a tense moment while covering for TN the march for public education.

This Tuesday, April 23, students, teachers and directors of public universities throughout the country They carried out a federal march to reject budget cuts under the slogan “in defense of public education.” Private institutions such as the UADE, or the CGT have joined in.

What happened to Paula Bernini during the march for public education

Paula Bernini He was among the protesters collecting testimonies in the Porteño Microcenter, when he realized that something strange was happening. “What’s happening? Why are you pushing me? Calm down, don’t push me“, he expressed.

Then, when someone explained to him that a person was stealing in the middle of the march and the cameraman wanted to focus on him, they covered his camera so he wouldn’t show it. “Calm, with respect. We didn’t know what had happened“, the chronicler defended herself while the protesters scolded her to leave.

“You don’t have to show this, it’s wrong. We come here to defend the university and you are trying to show the bad things about what happens here,” a woman attacked her. “You’re wrong, but it doesn’t matter“he concluded Paula Bernini.

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