Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The padel company is appealing against Jacobsen’s victory in court


Anders Jacobsen won in the district court in the case against Just Padel Group. The case is now being appealed to the Court of Appeal. Photo: Tor Erik Schrøder / NTB

Of NTB | 18.04.2024 09:13:08

Crime and justice: This is what the padel company’s lawyer, Yngve Andersen, tells VG. He says that JPG disagrees with the district court’s assessments and has therefore decided that the judgment will be appealed to the Agder Court of Appeal.

In the high-profile case, Jacobsen won in the district court, and he was awarded NOK 3.1 million plus interest and court costs of NOK 1.1 million.

JPG was previously owned by football profiles Jesper Mathisen and Ole Martin Ã…rst and businessmen Eimund Tharaldsen and Jesper Brandt. Jacobsen believes that he was paid too little for his stake when JPG was sold to Swedish We Are Padel.

JPG was sold for NOK 84 million, but Jacobsen and other center owners are said to have been informed of a selling price of NOK 45.5 million. Therefore, he believed that he was paid too little for his shares.

Jesper Mathisen called Jacobsen a “liar” in court, while Ã…rst said in his explanation that Jacobsen “has been paid the best and done the least”.

(© NTB)


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