Monday, May 6, 2024

Wada is to be investigated after criticism in a doping case


Wada president Witold Banka has been in rough weather lately. Photo: Czarek Sokolowski / AP / NTB

Of NTB | 26.04.2024 07:53:25

Sport: According to Wada, the Swiss Eric Cottier will be given access to the contents of the case and give his assessment of the agency’s handling of the case. Wada states that the work is expected to be completed in two months.

– Wada’s integrity and reputation are under attack. In recent days, Wada has been accused of bias towards China, the anti-doping agency says.

On Saturday, the news came that Chinese swimmers had traces of the heart medicine trimetazidine in samples submitted a few months before the Summer Games in 2021. 13 of them participated in the Olympics in Tokyo.

Chinese anti-doping authorities have rejected the accusations and claim that the athletes must have ingested the substance in food during an event.

Later, Wada stood behind that explanation. This has caused, among others, the American Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) to react strongly. The US anti-doping chief, Travis Tygart, came out harshly against Wada on Monday and believed that they were covering up for the Chinese.

(© NTB)


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