Saturday, May 18, 2024

Connie Ansaldi exploded against the university march and called it ridiculous: “Go to work”


Connie Ansaldi He left the media a long time ago; However, she uses his social networks to express herself on various issues. So much so, that in the last hours he criticized the university march.

On Tuesday, April 23, students, teachers and directors of public universities throughout the country They carried out a federal march to reject budget cuts under the slogan “in defense of public education.” Private institutions such as the UADE, or the CGT have joined in.

What Connie Ansaldi said about the university march

Given this, through her Instagram account, the journalist said: “I don’t understand. Nobody wants to get rid of public schools, what the hell are they defending? They have been withdrawing funds from the UBA for years. Now are they going to remember? Public school has to be for Argentines, foreigners have to pay, as is the case anywhere in the world. I don’t understand what this ridiculous march is“.

Stop proselytizing on the networks and go to work. Another thing; The hospitals have been a disaster for years and have been collapsed. It’s great to go protest, but it strikes me that they have remembered now,” she continued, annoyed.

Whoever has the money to pay for public university has to pay for it. So that those who cannot pay it can take advantage of it as a resource. It doesn’t have to be free for everyone. Those who can have to pay a basic fee to support it among all. If you are so concerned about the public university, because education is the basis for moving forward, we all have to collaborate,” he stated.

Stop making demagogy with other people’s money. If you care that much, we could change things. Education has to be public and free for those who break their cu… and earn it, and really can’t afford it. Not for people who have received a scholarship for years because it doesn’t make any difference and it takes 12 years to receive it because, overall, it’s free,” he said. Connie Ansaldi.

Finally, the communicator pointed out against those who used the mobilization to engage in politics and asked the Government of Javier Milei not to back down with the audit: “The audit should be required by everyone. Or what are they afraid of? Let them ask for it. Do not negotiate with that because we, the good people, support you“.

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